What a satisfying feeling it is when you place that “Sold” sticker on the board of your new home! Although it was not their first purchase, the elation can be clearly seen on the faces of our clients, Nic & Ryan, when they secured their bayside dream home in Hampton. After months of searching and many pre-Contract reviews by yours truly, what a joy it was for them to finally end their property hunt with this cracker of a family home. We also acted for them in the sale of their previous apartment. It’s a bit of a privilege, really – sharing in what is for most of our clients such a major life decision as buying and selling property.
So, if you are scrounging the internet looking for properties, attending seemingly endless auctions and still missing out, don’t despair! You may even benefit from engaging a buyer’s advocate to assist you. Give us a call or drop us an email and we can recommend one to you. A professional advocate may even be able to source a suitable property for you that’s not publicly on the market. Better still, they can handle the negotiation for you.
Finally, remember to have your Contract reviewed by us before you buy – it’s all part of making that experience of applying the “Sold” sticker on the board of your new home even sweeter…and that’s what it’s all about!
(C) Matt Duker, Conveyancing Excellence